Holden student can take on small residence challenge

HOLDEN — Harry Pierce is a builder.

He begun early. The rabbit-feeding station he developed a couple decades ago continue to stands, grayed by New England weather conditions. He constructed it at the age of 3, his mother, Sue Pierce, explained.

In the following 10 decades, Harry moved on from there to other tasks, setting up from Legos. Extra a short while ago he made octagonal window boxes and a desk for his brother, Hayden.

Oh, and a small dwelling.

Harry Pierce has gotten assistance in building his tiny house from his parents, Sue and Andy Pierce, and grandfather, Bob McAllister.

Harry was just 8 when he grabbed keep of the plan of a little home. He explained he preferred to stay in one.

 “When I was 8 a long time aged, I noticed a movie,” Harry claimed of the small home strategy. “I begun watching it was very interesting.”

At that place, “he requested if he could build a little house,” Sue Pierce reported. “I was pondering quite a few years from now.”