Saving Money With Spray Foam Insulation

In the storm-prone areas of the country, like New Orleans, homeowners have discovered that using home spray foam insulation in New Orleans is an economical and efficient way to protect their homes from water damage. Homeowners in this area have known that they need to insulate their homes, but the problem was where to put the insulating material.

In residential areas, the typical ceiling is not designed for spray foam insulation because it is too thick and creates issues with spraying. This is the main reason that most homeowners in New Orleans keep an open house or have a basement space that acts as a home spray foam insulation in an uninsulated basement. If your home has a lower ceiling than rooms above it, you can make it work with your spray foam insulation by making some changes to your home.

Closed Cells And Open-cell Foam

Spray foam insulation can be made into forms ranging from closed cells to open-cell foam. Closed cells are more expensive to manufacture than open-cell forms because the manufacturing process for spray foam involves flame retardants. This allows the manufacturer to charge more for this product because they are required to include the fire retardant in higher quantity than for other types of foam. However, spray foam insulation made into open-cell foam is easier to manufacture because it can be used with any spray foam material.

A solution to saving money is to set up your home spray foam insulation. There are several ways to insulate your walls without spending much money at all. The easiest way to change the look of your walls is to paint them, however, it is not always possible. When you do paint it may not be noticeable if you just paint one wall, but if you have several walls then it can add up. A little bit of spray foam insulation is an inexpensive way to change the appearance of your walls without having to repaint them.


Another way to save money when using spray foam insulation is to make sure that you maintain it. Most of the time the manufacturer provides instructions on how to install it, but it pays to learn about spray-foam insulation itself first. You should know that both the type of insulation, and the kind of venting you use have a positive effect on the R-value. The higher the R-value of space, the better the insulation will perform. In general, open-cell foam insulation has a high R-value while closed-cell foam has a low R-value. Many insulation companies also use materials that have a higher R-value than others, which makes it easier for them to sell more products at a lower price.

Some people choose to use double-wall or even triple-wall insulation in their homes to reduce energy consumption. The biggest drawback to using these types of insulating materials is that they are not very effective at stopping air from leaking into and out of a home. If you have air leaks, then spray foam insulation will do little to stop them. This is one of the main reasons that most builders choose to use insulated glass or doors instead of these kinds of insulating material.

Even if your home is built on concrete floors, you can benefit from the insulating properties of spray-foam insulation by sealing off the bottom of the house. Preventing air leaks is important, but sealing off the bottom of the home is even more crucial because of the potential for damage to the lower floors of your home if there are air leaks in your attic. If you don’t seal off your attic you may end up with water damage to the bottom floors of your home, mold growth, and rot in your walls as well as other problems.